International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness
I would like to welcome you to an exciting new era in Indonesian bodybuilding & fitness.
Since accepting the role as IFBB President Indonesia, I have thought much about my own personal career as a bodybuilder. It is my wish to use this opportunity to give other Indonesian men and women a chance to show case the positive results of their training discipline.
I hope to unite both the positive traits of the IFBB together with my personal health philosophies to create an amazing International event that will inspire others to embrace health and fitness as an important part of their daily life. It feels good to look good and it is my hope that this website will act as a podium to encourage viewers to get excited about becoming their personal best.
'Life and balance' is a phrase that encapsulates my belief and ideals. I have found that being physically active and eating well builds an incredible foundation to develop a mindset that fuels you towards achieving your personal goals.
It’s been quite a journey for me…and I would like to invite all of you to come along for the ride.
Wishing you all the best!